F words can get you in trouble. More than one kid has had their mouths washed out with soap for dropping a FOUR letter F-Bomb, or two. It’s hard to find a Rap song that doesn’t use F-words in excess. When I guided Hank Williams Jr., on a fishing trip, I was impressed with how many times he could use an F-word in the same sentence. Mechanics and builders have carpet bombed F-words after a misguided hammer smash or slipped wrench.
Like it or not, F-words have their place in our language.
Here is a fishing story FULL of F-words. I will FLAG the words in bold print. Please don’t FUSS or make an odd FACEwhen you FIND them. There is nothing to FUSS over or FEAR. I may even use a few words FOUR or FIVE times.
One of my favorite FISH are trout. These beautiful FISH never FAIL to excite me. They are also great FOOD and have colorfulFINS. One river I enjoy is by the old FORT Smith. The Bighorn FORK of the Yellowstone River is FULL of FINEtrout that fight with a FURY.
When I FISH the FOAM covered backwater eddies, I use FINEtippets to FOOL these FIRM and strong FISH. The trout FORM and FEED like they are on FIRE. These FLAT eddy’s FORM in FLAT waters. If you FAIL to make a good cast, it is hard to FOOL these FISH.
The water also has a FILM of bugs and grass on it. The fly needs to be cast about a FOOT above the FISH. It may take FOUR or FIVE casts to FOOL the FISH. If you FAIL to make a FIRM cast, don’t FRET, FEEL FREE to cast to anotherFISH.
One fly that I am FOND of is the Griffiths Gnat. This small fly looks like FUZZ. The fly is hard to see in the FOAM and you need to pray to see a rise. The FINE tippet will break FREE if you aren’t careful. Then you will FUME and FUSS over your lost FISH.
We are all FOND of great FISH stories. Don’t FEAR or FRETabout making up a few of your own.
FISH FREE and go with the FLOW!
Montana Grant