In June of 2023, Idaho Fish and Game released a congratulatory press release to Kody King of Montpelier for catching a record tiger trout.  However, a recent article by Shelbie Harris with the Idaho State Journal revealed that the record catch was rescinded after Idaho Fish and Game conducted an investigation that resulted in King not possessing a fishing license when he caught the fish.  He pleaded guilty to fishing without a license and unlawful possession of wildlife.

He was ordered to pay fines and restitution in the amount of $983, had all hunting, fishing and trapping licenses suspended for one year and was ordered to make a public statement and apology that was printed in Montpelier’s newspaper, The News-Examiner.

Some believe the fish deserves recognition regardless of being illegally caught and reported and should still be listed in the record books. In contrast, others believe justice was served when the catch was removed.

What do you think?

Read the full article here.

Feature photo: Kody King with what was his state record-shattering tiger trout;