Rockhounds are Hunters too! Searching for unique and different rocks, minerals, and fossils is great fun. It’s a hobby that all ages can do. Many great rock hunting spots are also great Hunting spots for big game. Watersheds are also wonderful places to Rockhound while you are Fishing. 

If your friends, kids, or wives are not big on your Big Game hunting or Fishing, but want to spend time outdoors, let them become Rockhounds! Spring melt/runoff will expose many new rocks and fossils. 

Many Rockhounds begin by collecting rocks and minerals that are curious, unique, or from a certain place. My kids had a tradition of bringing one unique rock home, from our outdoor adventures. We would use a permanent marker to label the date and place. Our outside rock garden had special meaning and memories. 

You can keep a Box of Rocks around or make a custom display of your finds. Egg cartons and tackle boxes make great organizers for your precious gems. Some Rockhounds make great jewelry with their finds.

Pay attention to where you can legally hunt for rocks and minerals. National Parks are off limits. Private lands require permission from landowners. Join some clubs to learn about places to go and network with other Rockhounds. 

Gear is simple. A rock hammer, gloves, pack, chisels, pry bars, safety glasses, Field Guides, and GPS/compass. It’s best to hunt with others. Snakes and other harmful critters are around the rocky areas you hunt. 

There are great apps for your cellphone that can help identify your finds. Rock shops, museums, YouTube videos, Facebook groups, and mentors are all helpful. Practiced Rockhounds need some basic knowledge about geology. Learn how rocks, minerals, fossils, and crystals are formed. Fossils are found in areas with sedimentary rocks. 

Montana is known as the Treasure State for a reason. Our state is full of great places to find agates, geodes, and crystals. Precious metals and gems are also found. Networking with other rockhounds makes friends and great finds. Rock polishing and stone saws can open beauty that is hidden inside rough finds. 

Be responsible when Rockhounding. Leave the places as you found them. 

Enjoy a real ROCKY Mountain High!

Montana Grant

Montana Grant