With the warm weather of Spring, Montanans will shed the snow, ice, and more. For some reason, I have seen more Naked Fly Fishermen over the past several years than ever before. They can be found in Drift boats, islands, banks, and more private waters.
On one Hyalite Lake outing, I was bank fishing as a pretty and naked coed paddled over atop her paddleboard. She parked about 30 yards offshore to check to see if my rod was bent. I of course mean from catching a fish. The truth is that I caught several Cutties as she watched. How she stayed balanced on that surfboard was amazing. She finally stood up and paddled away. That was a great day of fishing, no butts about it!
Some of Montana’s rivers also flow next to geothermal springs. These warm pools invite soakers to relax naked in the mineral wealth. Their gear and clothes are usually hanging alongside the pools.
Late evening naked fishing seems to be more popular than early morning. Perhaps several bears and temperature are involved. Ladies and gents on lakes also seem to bare it all after partying.
Most Fly Guys that I know are dressed and covered from head to toe. They even wear hats with shades like the French Foreign Legionnaires. Suntan lotion and other sun protection garments make sure that their precious skin is protected and never seen. That could be a good thing.
Native people fished in loin clothes or less. On hot days, it was a must. They were not as obsessed with bare skin as we are today.
Icemen rarely expose their skin or secret Honey Holes to others. Hunters also are more comfortable with their clothes on. Even Gen X anglers are more concerned with what they are wearing than what they are not.
Drift boats seem to invite Naked moments. The stable boat is comfortable, and the bow deck makes for a place to perch. On one guided trip, I had two lovely ladies in my drift boat. We were on the Yellowstone River just above Chico. They asked if they cold sunbath while they fished. I assumed they were going to reveal some skin but… As I was netting one of their catches, my head was bumped into by a swaying boob. Some days it’s tough to be a guide.
Naked fishing also happens in remote and private hike- in areas. On one excursion, to a remote Yellowstone Park Lake, several of us were tackling trout. A couple of them decided to “Fish Naked”. They had seen a bumper sticker and wanted to experience what all the fuss was about. Waist deep in a freezing lake must have offered some thrill. We did catch a lot of trout!
Naked Fishing exposes you to many dangers. Ticks, mosquitos, and biting flies will see these moments as a buffet. Bears, Mountain Lions, and wolves may also feast on this vulnerable opportunity. Treble hooks, and even single hooks, can do some serious damage if they find exposed meat in the” Low Places”. The bright sun may cause skin cancer. Cell phone pictures may also record these vulnerable moments.
Sadly, many Naked Fishermen are not really serious about fishing or should ever be seen in public. Some may cause our state to become Big Thigh Country. Oh well, to each their own. I will focus on the fishing!
Tight Lines!
Montana Grant