Deadline to comment is Saturday, January 6, 2024.
Kelly Reservoir is a private reservoir located approximately six miles northeast of Choteau, Montana. This six-acre reservoir is actively enrolled in FWP’s Private Pond Access Program and is stocked annually with rainbow trout. This public access agreement provides fishing opportunities for anglers and regional FWP staff monitor and maintain the fishery. Standardized 2023 fall sampling discovered an illegal introduction of walleye. This species is undesirable to the landowner and poses a risk to the quality of the current fishery. Where possible and where necessary, FWP mitigates threats of illegal introductions. Regional staff propose to coordinate with the 4 landowners to remove the illegally introduced walleye through mechanical methods and restore the rainbow trout fishery.
A draft Environmental Assessment (EA) Checklist has been prepared and is available for comment.
Public comment is welcome and will be accepted until Saturday, January 06, 2024. Written comments can be mailed or e-mailed to the address below:
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Katie Vivian
PO Box 1398
Choteau, MT 59422