BILLINGS – The Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Region 5 Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) will meet from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 19. The meeting will be held at FWP’s office in Billings at 2300 Lake Elmo Drive.

The committee meets throughout the year to discuss a variety of fish, wildlife, natural resource, and outdoor recreation issues in south-central Montana.

Agenda items for the Dec. 19 meeting include:

  • Overview of the 2023 general big game hunting season from FWP wildlife and enforcement staff.
  • Discussion on Yellowstone River train derailment.
  • Updates on collaborative projects with Department of Natural Resources & Conservation.

Each FWP administrative region has a CAC comprised of diverse, engaged citizens that provide input and feedback on FWP issues and programs, and serve as ambassadors to their communities. CAC meetings are open to the public, and all interested parties are welcome to attend.

