Lefty Kreh was an amazing fisherman. He was born in Maryland and loved fishing and hunting. Many of the great fishermen today blame Lefty for their addiction of fly fishing. Though Lefty was his name, he could cast and shoot with either hand. 

Many do not know that Lefty was also a phenomenal marksman with shotguns and rifles. He stopped hunting around his 50’s to focus on just fishing. He was a fly fisherman before fly fishing was cool. 

The Brotherhood of the Junglecock, Maryland Fly Anglers, Trout Unlimited, and other fishing organizations all can include Lefty as an active member. His favorite role in these clubs was to share and teach others how to celebrate the sport of fishing. 

Lefty was the greatest for many reasons. Its true that he was a master angler, sportsman, and writer. To me, he was simply a wonderful mentor. He never bragged about himself but would go out of his way to compliment others. If there was a Mount Rushmore for great sportsmen, Lefty would be on it. Probably on the “left” side though! 

There have been many wonderful and influential outdoorsman and women. Their legacy can be remembered by parks, accesses, buildings, and places named for them. Their writings, pictures, and stories are also a legacy.  Lefty was in the Right place at the Right time to become such a great sportsman. 

Lefty’s Legacy is certainly a unique one. Cullen Lake, near Frederick, MD. is a place where Lefty taught many fly-casting clinics. Local groups created and placed a wonderful statue of Lefty, taking his last cast. Frederick County, Maryland is also near Big Hunting Creek and many other great eastern fisheries. 

Those that knew Lefty also know that he was an amazing joke teller. He could tell the most off color and crude jokes to anyone and gets away with them. I am sure that he would make up a joke about his likeness being a statue in a lake where birds could crap on him.

Did you hear the one about the statue of a fisherman in a pond?

Montana Grant

Montana Grant