Each year I like to share my favorite and most popular Deer, Elk, Moose, or Antelope recipe. Any wild big game works well. This recipe also works well with the old meat packets that you find in the bottom of your freezer. 

This Deer Camp recipe was a traditional dinner before opening day. We always saved some roasts or cuts for luck. Last year’s meat could lead to this year’s tags. We never had any leftovers. The recipe is also perfect for late season, cold weather. Deer Chesapeake is hearty, tasty, and wonderful on a cold day. 

Try making this recipe in a Dutch Oven over a campfire for even more delicious results. This is when I make Southern Corn Bread in a separate Dutch Oven. When the bread is done, I use a fork to make holes in the bread and pour butter and honey overtop

If you have any leftovers, Deer Chesapeake is like aged pasta. It just tastes better later. 


Montana Grant

Montana Grant