Sadly, the first case of CWD has been confirmed in Yellowstone Park. Chronic Wasting Disease is 100% fatal to deer, elk, and moose. It is transmitted by fluids, nose to nose contact, and began on private game farms. 

The collared adult mule deer buck transmitted a mortality signal last month. When the federal officials found the carcass, the deer was tested and CWD was confirmed. The carcass was found in the south, southeast part of Yellowstone Lake in an area known as the Promontory. 

During the Summer, an estimated 1,500 deer and even more elk migrate into the area. In Winter less than 400 deer spend the Winter. Seasonal migrations can quickly spread any disease. Denser populations mean higher risk for transmission. 

The Park and federal agencies plan to increase surveillance and research activities to help prevent any future issues. It’s not known if the CWD was contracted inside the park or from migrating animals. 

CWD is not a disease that humans can get but can devastate wild deer populations. Original cases showed up on Montana’s boundaries with Canada and Wyoming, where escaped animals for Game Farms were responsible. There is no treatment or preventative shot for CWD.

 All Critters Will Die when infected.

Montana Grant

Yellowstone National Park