Anyone can just fry a steak. Pioneers just stuck chunks of steak on sharp sticks and lined them up around the fire. Lewis and Clark served each man in their expedition 25 plus pounds of fire baked meat a day. What wasn’t baked was jerked or salted. Yummy!
With hunting season in session, tasty new recipes are always welcomed. With a little imagination a camp cook or chef can add some creativity into a camp menu. This recipe is tasty looking and delicious.
You can use any wild game steaks or roasts for this recipe. If you have plenty of loins, you can make a tender dish. Generally, I use sirloins, shoulder steaks and maybe round roasts for this application. If you have an old and tough critter, this recipe will save your teeth.
Slice thin steaks or use a couple inch cubes of meat that can be hammered/tenderized into a flatter serving. The chunks should double in size once hammered. For loins, I have made long thin slices off meat.
You will be making a “Roulade” which means rolled meat. Once you have thinner cuts laid out, add some salt and pepper, chopped onion, and some bacon slices onto the meat. I have also used Montreal steak seasoning. You can also place long, sliced peppers, carrots, asparagus, zucchini, or whatever you have on hand inside the bundle. Cheese, rice, and other stuff also will work. Be creative with what’s on hand.
Now roll up the meat into rolls that you can tie together with string. Toothpicks will work in a pinch. I have even whittled my own sticks from the branches near camp. Now roll the bundles into flour, salt, and pepper. Brown these rolls in 2 tbsp. shortening, or oil. I use a Dutch Oven from start to finish. Once the bundles are browned, add 1 cup of water, and ½ cup of white wine or sherry. In a pinch, I have even used a beer. Simmer this mixture slowly. If in a hurry, 30 minutes will do, but the longer the better. Just add more liquid if needed. Before serving, add some sliced mushrooms, fresh herbs, and spice to taste. If the gravy needs to be thickened, add some flour or corn starch. I have also made gravy as I would for Biscuits and Gravy. Fresh biscuits as a side never hurts.
These bundles are served well with rice or mashed potatoes. A side of corn or a fried cabbage dish also works well. You can slice the bundles and remove the string with a sharp knife for a nice presentation. A side of fresh horseradish will add some flavor.
Bundle your Beasts and enjoy!
Montana Grant