Each year the Wyomging Game and Fish Department publishes an annual warden report. The document contains a variety of information, details and some of the most unusual tales related to violations. The report this year contains violations that occurred or were finalized in 2022. In that year, the top citation was fishing without a license followed by trespassing and failing to stop at a watercraft check station. The fourth most common violation was failing to tag a big game animal. One of the unusual warden tales involved two individuals who shot a big mule deer buck out of season. A warden who was hunting on his own time got a call from a landowner and investigated. Since he wasn’t in a state truck or wearing a badge, the two who had shot the mule deer were bragging about the size of the buck they had killed. Then the warden showed them his badge. These and other wild tales can be found in my story at https://billingsgazette.com/outdoors/wyoming-warden-report-violations-wyoming-game-and-fish-hunting-fishing/article_b114e0c8-737d-11ee-815b-37f3b98cf263.html. The story also contains a link to the full report if you are interested in more stories from Wyoming’s wardens.