Montana is full of land that is labeled with letters and managed by state or federal agencies. If you are ever in a room with these Govt. workers, you will discover that they speak a different language that is full of 3 letter abbreviations. Our Outdoor Public Lands are full of things labeled in 3’s.
Many public lands are special places for our next Genz generation. These “yougens” text and speak in 3 letter bursts. They will find our public lands and agencies reader friendly. LOL, OMG, IDK, HMU, BFF, NVM, LMK, IDK, and so many more.
The Montana FWP manages the states CRP, BLM, and State Lands, with help from the BIA, DOI, FWS, CRP, and FWS. Trying to talk with agents and employees from these agencies is like learning a new language.
One forester friend that I knew could speak entire paragraphs using 3 letter abbreviations. Other foresters understood exactly what he was saying. Military groups also use abbreviations to communicate more quickly. Police departments use numbers, 10/4. There seems to be languages withing languages that we need to learn.
So, the next time that you go to some BLM, CRP, or STL, thank FWP for their service. This AG land may also be managed by the DOI or DOE which are scrutinized by the DOI, EPA and CWA. The BIA manages the reservations, and the ESA manages critters on them. Watersheds are managed by the CWA and FWS. All these agencies are in the USA!
Montana Grant