HELENA – Pheasant season opens this Saturday, Oct. 7. To increase hunters’ opportunity for success, and to help encourage more hunters to participate this year, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will release pheasants at several public hunting locations.
The release sites are at the following wildlife management areas (WMAs), fisheries conservation areas (FCA), fishing access sites (FAS) and Department of Natural Resources Conservation (DNRC) lands:
- Region 1: North Shore WMA, Foys Bend FCA (Hunting Friday-Monday by reservation only – call 406-752-5501.)
- Region 3: Canyon Ferry WMA, Lake Helena WMA
- Region 4: Freezout Lake WMA, Arod Lakes DNRC, Bullhead Ranch DNRC
- Region 5: Grant Marsh WMA, Yellowstone WMA, Clark’s Fork of Yellowstone FAS, Selkirk FAS
- Region 6: Lost River WMA, Fresno Reservoir WMA
- Region 7: Isaac Homestead WMA, Amelia Island WMA
More releases are planned on FWP lands through pheasant season. For a detailed list, click here. Releases will include both roosters and hen pheasants.
Last year, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved the release of up to 50,000 pheasants annually on FWP WMAs through 2026. In 2021, the Legislature authorized spending up to $1 million each year for the program.
For more information on hunting pheasants and other upland game birds, go to https://fwp.mt.gov/hunt/regulations/upland-game-bird. To read the upland game bird forecast, click here.
REMINDER: Waterfowl hunters have your federal stamp signed, with you
HELENA – Waterfowl season is underway, and hunters need to make sure to have their signed federal waterfowl stamp with them while hunting.
The MyFWP mobile app will also list the federal stamp as something the hunter possesses, but to be legal in the field, hunters must also have the signed stamp in their possession.
Applications being accepted for the 2024 Montana Master Hunter Program
The Montana Master Hunter Program (MHP) is accepting applications for the 2024 program. Deadline is Nov. 30. Led by One Montana, the MHP is for hunters who want to continue to improve and hone their skills, build relationships with landowners to aid their wildlife management goals, and be an advocate for conservation and wildlife. Classes will be held in Bozeman (March), Missoula (April) and Kalispell (May). To apply or learn more, visit https://www.mtmasterhunter.com/how-to-apply [mtmasterhunter.com].