A Townsend hunter is facing charges of hunting without permission while crossing from one block of Bureau of Land Management property to another at the corners where they meet. Corner crossing has become a hot topic in the West since onXmaps identified 8.3 million acres only accessible at the property corners. The Montana Attorney General’s office is prosecuting the case in Broadwater County Justice Court. A trial is set for December. The area where the corner crossing occurred has been at the center of past disputes between landowners and hunters. Large groups of elk have resulted in shootouts on public land, accusations of herding the animals so they can’t leave private land and violations for unsafe hunting. Whether the trial will settle the issue of corner crossing in Montana is unknown. The Broadwater County Attorney thinks it’s a simple case of trespass. The hunter says he was careful to use an online mapping program to move from corner to corner. To read more, check out my story at https://billingsgazette.com/outdoors/hunting-corner-crossing-bowhunting-montana-attorney-general-fwp/article_b6ae340a-6d31-11ee-8290-1f6150446485.html.


Written by Brett French | Outdoors Editor | Billings Gazette Communications

Brett French