HELENA – The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Monday, Sept. 25, via Zoom. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m.

The commission will act on edits to Administrative Rule of Montana (ARM) 12.9.1303, which addresses nonlethal and lethal control methods consistent with the Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management Plan. The commission approved the initiation of ARM rule making at its April meeting and approved draft language at its August meeting.

The edits that are the only issue on Monday’s meeting remove references to the Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management Plan and incorporate formatting edits consistent with the Secretary of State’s guidelines.

The commission will take public comment on the agenda item for registered commenters only online via Zoom. Registration will open on Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ website at 3 p.m., today and close at 6 a.m., on Sept. 25. The commission chair will call upon registrants by name to comment. When public comment is opened by the commission chair, those registered to comment can click the “raise hand” button on the Zoom screen or dial *9 if participating by phone. Commenters will be notified when they have been unmuted. Commenters should state their name, city and the organization they are representing if applicable.

FWP ensures its meetings are fully accessible to those with special needs. To request arrangements, call FWP at 406-444-3186. For the full agenda, background on the scheduled topic and public comments, go to the Fish and Wildlife Commission page on the FWP website.

