Certification required to purchase Class C Trapping License
BILLINGS – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will host a trapper education field day in Billings on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the FWP office located at 2300 Lake Elmo Drive.
Students must register for the field day in advance at: fwp.mt.gov/hunt/education/
To purchase a Montana resident Class C Trapping License, residents 12 and older must complete a Montana trapper education course or have purchased a trapping license in at least three prior years in Montana or another state. This general trapper education course also satisfies the requirement for wolf trapping.
Montana resident wolf trappers who have taken a wolf trapper education course but haven’t been a licensed trapper for three years will need to complete the full trapper education course to be able to trap wolves in 2023 and beyond.
Montana’s trapper education program includes online coursework, a mandatory in-person field day taught by volunteer instructors and a written test. Trapper education courses cover basic information and skills related to the safe handling of traps and trapping equipment as well as basic instruction in wildlife management, game identification, trapper ethics and Montana trapping laws and regulations.
Other trapper education field days will be offered in other communities around the state. For more information and to register, visit fwp.mt.gov/hunt/
Interested in becoming a trapper education instructor?
Visit fwp.mt.gov/hunt/education/