Winters in Montana are LONG!!!! We all tend to gain more than a few pounds. As the winter grows, so do our waistlines! If you plan to chase bulls, in the high-country, run-down antelopes and deer, fly fish the back country, or just want to look and feel better, now is the time to de-flab your body.

You don’t have to join a spa or sports club. You must commit yourself to get into shape. Its ok if you are worried about how you look but honestly it is more about your health and how you feel. Too much weight causes too many physical problems. That extra 20 or so pounds on your joints does damage that is not easily repaired.

After over 40 years of marriage, I am more concerned about hunting and fishing comfortably than looking pretty. When we retire, time is no longer an issue. Most of my “old” hunting and fishing buddies simply were rode hard and put away wet too many times. The Lazy Boy chair and Boob Tube are more inviting than the top of a mountain, bow of a drift boat, or miles of trekking.

Start by simply eating less and moving more. Instead of two sandwiches, just have one. Maybe 1 scoop of ice cream will do better than 3. Cut back on the drinking. Maybe iced tea is better than soda. A couple beers instead of a six pack will help bring back your six pack.

Eat smarter and enjoy the results of losing some flab. Common sense eating is about proper portion control. You need to eat at least 3 meals a day. Diet plans can be helpful but expensive. Everyone’s body is different. You already know what you need to do.

The basic exercise plan means eat less, move more and stay active!

Get out of your Fat Boy Chair, put the Big Bowl away, and start moving more!

Montana Grant

activities Boating Camping Education Fishing health Hiking How to Montana Grant