Scott Collinsworth jumped in Bill Zarahdka’s “Time off” boat this morning for a salmon trip he won’t soon forget on Fort Peck. They Call Bill “The Slayer” for a reason. ALL HE DOES is slay salmon.
Now, don’t get me wrong…Scott has caught a few Black Jaws in his day, but this trip was special, and he will be the first to tell you that he learned a thing or two from “The Slayer” today.
How was the trip Special?
Because the two would end up catching their limit of 10 salmon for the day. All of the salmon were mature fish, which is remarkable this time of the year.
Flies, flies and more flies are the bait of choice. However, Bill, who is a student of the salmon fishing game, has a new technique that I won’t reveal in this post. I will save that for a later podcast with the Slayer. But if you see Bill, don’t be afraid to ask him about it.
After all, he is “The Salmon Slayer”, and he has to carry around some secrets.
Congratulations, you guys, on a limit of salmon on Fort Peck!