THREE FORKS – Missouri Headwaters State Park will host a program featuring guest speaker Game Warden Sgt. Matt Wemple, who will answer some common questions on bear safety.

This week’s program from the park’s summer speaker series will focus on being bear aware, and answering questions such as, “How should I respond in a bear encounter?” and “When should I use my bear spray?”

The program will begin at 7 p.m. on Saturday, July 22, behind the park office. There is no cost to Montana residents. An $8 entrance fee applies at Montana state parks for all nonresident vehicles.

Visitors are encouraged to bring their own chair and bug spray. S’mores will be served afterward.

About the speaker

Matt Wemple has been a game warden with Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks since 2016. His job duties involve responding to conflict between people and bears, investigating wildlife attacks on people, and educating recreationists on how to conduct themselves and be safe in bear country. Matt has lived and recreated in bear country in southwest Montana for more than 20 years, bringing his professional and personal experiences along for the ride.

Missouri Headwaters State Park is about 5 miles northeast of Three Forks on Trident Road. For more information about the park, please visit or call 406-285-3610.
