On Sunday, May 7, the Sun River Watershed Group (SRWG) and Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF) will lead the second annual Spent Ammo and Trash Cleanup at Freezout Lake.

“Freezout Lake is so important for waterfowl – we are so lucky that the folks who recreate there and value this resource are willing to come out and help us with the cleanup,“ enthuses Tracy Wendt, SRWG Executive Director. “We have several volunteers signed up already and could definitely use more.”

Each year, thousands of snow geese and waterfowl stop over on Freezout Lake during their migrations. In fact, over 230 species of birds have been documented at Freezout Lake. Freezout Lake Wildlife Management Area is also popular with humans: birders, hunters, tourists, and others seeking recreational opportunities. Locals who recreate at Freezout and representatives from FWP approached SRWG and MWF, alerting the groups to the issue of spent ammunition and trash throughout the trails and lake shore. These two nonprofits banded together to organize a clean up last year that has now become an annual event.

Volunteers should arrive at 9 am at the Freezout FWP headquarters on Sunday, May 7. Please dress appropriately for ever-changing Montana weather and bring work gloves and buckets if possible. Trash bags and gloves will be available; buckets for collecting spent ammo are being donated by Cascade Conservation District and Builders FirstSource.

For more information or to RSVP to volunteer, contact Tracy Wendt at tracy@sunriverwatershed.org. Be sure to visit www.sunriverwatershed.org and montanawildlife.org for information on other events hosted by these groups.

Hunt in Montana