This year’s record-breaking snowpack means a strong melting event or run off. Like it or not, the mountain snows will melt, and the water will fill the watersheds. Too much melt off in an already saturated floodplain means that the water will overflow the creeks and riverbanks. Homes and structures in the flood plain will be in danger.
The next few weeks look like Montana will soon warm up and get back to higher average temperatures. When the air temperature stays above freezing for 24 hours or more, expect flooding to begin.
Move it or lose it! Anticipate the worst scenario and develop a plan. There is a history of your property that can be examined.
Inspect all the ditches, gabions, culverts, and headgates that impact your land. Make sure that they are open, clear, and ready for more water.
Move equipment and property to higher ground.
Put the critters into higher pastures.
Tie down and secure anything that can float away.
Create water direction systems that may keep water from near vital buildings. This could be ditches, walls or barriers made from earth, blocks, rocks, or sandbags.
Monitor the weather and flood advisories. When these events happen, they happen fast.
Consolidate and store your valuables and precious items in a safe area. This may be a storage locker or at a friend’s home. Organize and gather them before the flood comes.
If the flood happens in the middle of the night, have an escape plan. Preposition a vehicle that can help you escape. Have your go bags packed and ready.
Inspect buildings foundations for cracks and places where water could center. Now seal and protect these areas. Place expensive furniture and possessions on the top floors.
The “Oh, it will never happen to me plan”, is simply foolish. If it has happened before, it will happen again.
Stay dry and plan ahead!
Montana Grant