Great pictures require a little thought, planning, and skill. We all know what a good picture is supposed to look like. Magazines and websites are full of them. Sadly, many photographers take the same pictures, poses, and scenarios.

Cellphone cameras have revolutionized taking great fish pictures. Even if you get it wrong, the digital picture can be sent to a computer program that can edit the photograph. You can crop out shadows and backgrounds. The light and color can be enhanced. Before you know it, your crappy photograph starts to look pretty good.

Here are some ideas on taking better pictures of your fish!

Be prepared to take the picture. Have your camera nearby and take the picture immediately to not stress the fish. 30 seconds is plenty of time to take a picture and release the fish safely.

Think about the light and sun position. If the sun is behind you, your shadow is in front of you and in your shot. Shoot the picture from the side and look to see where your shadow falls.

Take more than one picture in quick succession. Not every fisherman is a model. Smiling is a challenge. Surprise the model when you take the picture. Get them to laugh and shoot extra shots while they laugh.

Hold the fish safely. The goal is to take a picture of the fish and not the fisherman’s hands. Use a net to support the fish and keep them wet. Don’t squeeze the bejesus out of the fish.

Keep the fish in the wet net. Once the photographer is ready, lift the fish and take the picture.

Have a point of reference. Place a hat, rod, or something to compare the fish’s size.

Have the model lift their hat brim off their face. Cover up any blood or inappropriate t-shirt messages etc.

Tell a story. Stage the picture with the lure, bait, or fly used. The hat may have the logo of the location. Maybe place some flowers, colorful rocks, or other trinkets in the shot.

Be Creative! Consider a different angle, position, or subject matter. How many stringers of fish pictures do you need. Focus on a closeup or just one fish. The angler can be looking away rather than at the camera.

Protect the camera/phone. Excited photographers can ruin their gear. There is a lot going on and everyone is excited over the fish. Be aware of water, rocks, and obstacles. Scan the area and consider what will be in the picture and how to take the shot. A protective cover will keep things from breaking. Keep the camera/phone in a waterproof bag or container, just in case.

Get close, get closer. Many people take pictures that are too far back. If you don’t believe me, transfer your picture to an editing app on your computer. Now play with the picture. Use the cropping too to reframe and zoom in on your shot. Play with the light, color, and other enhancement features. You can save everything, so don’t be afraid.

These tips will enhance all your future memories. Pay attention to the small details for big and special results.


Montana Grant

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