GREAT FALLS – Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks is preparing a draft environmental assessment for a proposed conservation easement (CE) in Fergus County near Winifred, MT. FWP invites the public to identify any issues and concerns related to this proposal via the public scoping process. Comments received during this scoping period will help FWP determine public interest, identify potential issues that would require further analysis, and provide insight for refining the proposal or developing and analyzing alternatives.

The proposed Stafford Ferry CE consists of approximately 1,080 deeded acres of primarily sagebrush-grassland interspersed with timbered coulees of the Missouri River Breaks in Fergus County, about 10 miles north of Winifred in hunting district (HD) 417. The property adjoins and facilitates access to an additional 15,400 acres of DNRC and BLM lands (including the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument (UMRBNM). The primary objectives of this easement are to provide perpetual conservation and enhancement of high-quality native habitats, maintaining traditional land uses and provide public recreational opportunity.

A copy of the scoping proposal is available here. The 30-day public scoping on the proposed project will run from Feb. 13 through Mar. 15, 2023.

Submit written comments: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, c/o Stafford Ferry Conservation Easement Proposal, PO Box 938, Lewistown, MT 59457. Or email comments to  Attn: Stafford Ferry Conservation Easement Proposal.

If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please call Lewistown-Area wildlife biologist, Sonja Andersen, at (406) 366-5266 or email:


Hunt in Montana