Darin McMurry from USARMY CORP reports that as of February 1st, things are looking good in the basic forecast, which, if it holds, will be in favor of rising water for the 135-mile reservoir.  The current water elevation is 2218.9 feet on Fort Peck.

“The Basic Forecast is based on current snowpack conditions and the anticipation of normal precipitation and runoff for the Spring and early summer.  Lower Basic is based on current snowpack and anticipated below normal precipitation and runoff.  Upper Basic is based on current snowpack and anticipation of above average precipitation and runoff.

Therefore using the attached forecast the lake elevations for each condition would be:

Basic Forecast: 2223.5 (4.6 feet above today’s elevation)

Lower Basic: 2217 (1.9 feet below today’s elevation)

Upper Basic: 2231.6 (12.7 feet above today’s elevation)”


Hunt in Montana