Once a month a unique group meets in Bozeman – people who have survived tragedies while recreating outdoors. The group includes an avalanche survivor and a climber whose partner fell to his death. Led by a trained therapist, the discussion group allows the members to talk about the incidents with people who have also suffered grief and loss. “It took me awhile to recognize the emotional trauma is longer lasting and more difficult to heal than the physical trauma,” said the avalanche survivor who participates in the sessions. Similar groups have been founded in Canada and through the American Alpine Club. “The goal would be for people to come together and share loss and tragedy in the outdoors and to know that they are not alone,” said Justin Short, the therapist who organized the group, adding that a feeling of connection and belonging is key, along with providing empathy, compassion and support. To learn more about the group, you can read my story at: https://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional/trauma-care-bozeman-group-gathers-to-heal-from-outdoor-tragedies/article_b7c84904-9cec-11ed-b630-1f9f6539cfe0.html

Written by Brett French | Outdoors Editor | Billings Gazette

Brett French