HELENA – Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is taking the opportunity to recognize the excellent work of its game wardens.

“I really want to express my gratitude to our staff with their boots on the ground,” said FWP Chief Game Warden Ron Howell. “They are the ones doing the job day in and day out.”

The FWP Enforcement Division provides modern professional conservation law enforcement services to the people of Montana for the purpose of the stewardship and protection of Montana’s fish, wildlife, parks and outdoor recreational resources in order to preserve the quality of life and outdoor traditions of present and future generations.

“Our wardens are out there every day, not only enforcing fish and wildlife laws, but making important contacts with hunters, anglers and landowners who are critical to the work we do and the resources we manage,” said FWP Director Hank Worsech. “We have the highest skilled and most dedicated wardens in the country.”

In Montana, 93 game wardens serve across the state. They often work long hours helping hunters, trappers and anglers and also come to the aid of other law enforcement officers when needed.

“The dedication of the men and women who serve as Montana game wardens is really unmatched,” said Director Worsech.

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day began in 2015 to thank officers across the country for all the daily sacrifices they make for their communities.


Hunt in Montana