Just around the corner. One of the main challenges for Tom Turkey success is realistic calling. The best turkey call to use is a diaphragm call. Learning to use this call requires practice. Now is the time to start.

Diaphragm calls tickle when you first begin to use them. There is a certain space needed between the roof of your mouth, just the right air flow, and some tongue pressure to mimic a turkey call. 

Turkey Diaphragm calls are made just like elk diaphragm calls. In fact, if you have an elk diaphragm call it will work fine to call in a Tom. 

Spring turkey hunting and Elk hunting are very similar. The strategy and tactics are the same. Elk just happens to be several hundred pounds heavier. The calls may be similar, but a turkey’s best defense is their eyesight. Elk noses ae unbeatable. Both critters communicate and can be lured into weapons range. 

Practicing a turkey call requires privacy. If you plan on doing this at home, you need to be single and living alone. Anyone in the same space will be driven crazy by your cackles, purrs, kee kees, and gobbles. 

Rocky Jacobsen’s Rocky Mountain Game Calls are the best. The mouth calls have a dome built into the call to help perfectly position the mouth call. His video instructions can be found on the website or YouTube. Using his directions will help you to overcome the tickling of the mouth call. 

Practicing in your vehicle, when alone, is a good place to start. Place a CD/ tape, 0r recording of critter sounds on your playlist. Spotify has a wide variety of choices to pick from. Mimic the sounds. Over time, you will become comfortable with your calls.

Diaphragm mouth calls are not expensive. The latex wears out each season. Treat yourself to a new one now. Most outdoor shops carry a good selection of calls. Start with a single or double latex layered call. The triples and more complicated calls are a bit more difficult to use. Learn to manipulate the calls by controlling the air and tongue pressure. For some newbies, this can take weeks. 

Montana turkey time begins in mid-April and lasts well into May. It is a great time to be outdoors. You can gobble up a good time and some great eating. Calling a Gobbler into 20 yards or so is exciting, intimate, and one of hunting’s best challenges.

Cluck, cluck, and good luck!

Montana Grant

Hunt in Montana