Wildflowers are a big part of the beauty in Big Sky Country. There are a few early Spring flowers that we can look forward to.

The other day I saw an east coast Facebook friend post pictures of tulips, hyacinths, Iris, crocus, and other Spring bulbs poking their tops out of the ground. Our domestic bulb plants will not do this until later in May or even June. Montana has a short growing season but that does not stop some of our Native bloomers. 

March and April are when we can start looking for our first Spring flowers. They will be found in the more open, warm, and sunny places. Melting snow will give these early risers the unfrozen moisture that they need, even in the high places. These hardy flowers mean Spring is just around the corner.

Here are the 5 First Flowers to look for!

Pasqueflower    This purple flower looks hairy and like a Crocus. They tend to pop up on warm sunny slopes. 

Glacier Lily    Also known as the Dogtooth Violet, these yellow flowers are found in open meadows and parks.

Mountain Lupine    At 3 feet tall, these native flowers are showy spikes of color in the warmest spots where the snow has melted away.

Yellow Bell    Foothills and prairies are home to these bell-shaped flowers that drop off from a single stem.

Shooting Stars    These flowers can be pink, purple, or white. They are found along streams and the edges of meadows. 

Many of these early flowers are used in Spring Bouquets. The sight of flowers is welcoming after the cold and white covering of Winter snows. 

Another one of my favorite flowers are the Trout Lillies with spotted leaves and bright yellow blossoms. I seem to have great fishing when amongst these signs of Spring. Later Blood Roots and Camas flowers show up to add their colors to the early leaves and hues of Spring.

Feel the power of flowers in the Spring!

Montana Grant

Montana Grant