Kalispell, MT, December 15, 2023 — Following direction from Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Forest Service completed the installation of groundwater monitoring wells to test for contamination from the wastewater treatment lagoons that serve the Holland Lake campground and Holland Lake Lodge. Sample results showed no evidence of groundwater contamination.
The Forest Service consulted with DEQ to conduct a groundwater assessment and identify locations for upgradient and downgradient monitoring wells between the lagoon and the lake to determine impacts to groundwater. Samples were taken from the north shore of Holland Lake and from the three monitoring wells. The results indicated no groundwater contamination.
“We always strive to protect our resources and we are pleased that there is no evidence of groundwater contamination. We also appreciate the guidance and cooperation of the DEQ as we move ahead with plans to improve the wastewater treatment system at Holland Lake that provides the opportunity for so many people to visit and recreate at Holland Lake.” says Deputy Forest Supervisor Tami MacKenzie.
“DEQ appreciates the Forest Service’s coordination and response through the process and we are pleased the samples showed no contamination of ground or surface water,” said DEQ Water Quality Division Administrator Lindsey Krywaruchka.