Bozeman, MT (September 27, 2023) … The Custer Gallatin National Forest has released the Draft Decision for the East Crazy Inspiration Divide Land Exchange Project and identified Alternative 1 – the Modified Proposed Action – as the selected Alternative. The land exchange includes lands located in the Crazy Mountain Range northeast of Livingston and northwest of Big Timber, and near the Inspiration Divide Trail in Big Sky, MT. The release of the Draft Decision and Final Environmental Assessment begins a 45-day public objection period that will conclude about November 13, 2023.
The Crazy Mountain’s checkerboard ownership pattern of private and public lands has contributed to over a century of complicated management situations and problematic access issues for all users. The Draft Decision identifies Alternative 1 as the selected alternative to exchange approximately 3,855 acres of National Forest System lands for approximately 6,110 acres of private lands (11 parcels), owned by six private landowners. Additionally, the proponents will provide funds to construct the relocated Sweet Trunk Trail No. 274 onto lands to be managed by the Forest Service post exchange. This Draft Decision presents a solution that results in permanent, identifiable access to the east side of the Crazy Mountains.
Some of the benefits of this land exchange include:
· Creating large areas of contiguous and clearly identifiable National Forest System lands.
· Increasing federal ownership to protect sensitive areas within the Crazy Mountains
· Reducing the potential for development on 10 sections of private lands interior to and comingled with NFS lands.
· Acquisition of interior parcels in the high country in the east Crazy Mountains to better protect landscapes important to the Crow Tribe.
· Relocating Sweet Trunk Trail #274, to provide secure access for hikers, horsemen, and sportsmen access.
· Acquiring Smeller Lake and Trail #220 to provide quality recreational opportunities.
· Redesigning and improving the Big Timber Canyon Trailhead to provide better parking.
· The Inspiration Divide Trail No 8 with approximately two miles that currently cross private lands would be located upon public lands improving management flexibility and allowing for dispersed recreation along the trail.
There were some changes made between the Proposal released in November 2022 and the Draft Decision to respond to public comments including:
· Reducing lands conveyed in Parcel 2 (Federal to Private) to retain approximately 200 acres of National Forest System lands with 50 acres of wetlands. This also preserves access to Sweet Grass Creek.
· Reducing lands conveyed in Parcel D (Private to Federal), with the landowner retaining the northern half of the section (320 acres). For the portions of the trail that fall onto private land an easement will be granted.
· Adding perpetual protections to help retain the character of lands being conveyed through restrictive covenants on subdivision of four parcels in the Sweet Grass Drainage.
· Shifting the southern boundary of Parcel 8 in the Inspiration Divide area to retain National Forest System lands with 5 acres of wetlands. This also retains lands that are important to the Big Sky snowmobile community and retains more of the Eglise Rock Overlook Trail.
“We’re excited to announce release of the Final Environmental Assessment and Draft Decision for the East Crazy Inspiration Divide Land Exchange. Since the close of the comment period last December, the Forest Service has been working diligently to address concerns to put forth the best exchange proposal possible,” said Mary Erickson, Custer Gallatin Forest Supervisor. “This release initiates a 45-day objection period for those who have standing based on previous involvement. I encourage people to take the time to review materials on the Forest‘s website to understand the Draft Decision.”
The publication of the legal notice in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on September 27, 2023, opens the 45-day objection filing period. Objections will only be accepted from those who have previously submitted specific written comments regarding the proposed project during scoping or other designated opportunities for public comment in accordance with 36 CFR 218.8. Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted timely, specific written comments regarding the proposed project unless the issue is based on new information arising after the designated comment opportunities. Objections must be filed electronically, by regular mail, hand-delivery, or express delivery. Objections can be mailed to: Objection Reviewing Officer, USDA Forest Service, Northern Region, Attn: ECID, 26 Fort Missoula Road, Missoula, Montana 59804. Electronic objections must include ECID Project Objection in the subject line. Hand delivered objections must be delivered to the address above between the office hours of Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, excluding Federal holidays.
A final decision on the project will not be made until after the objection process has been completed. Implementation is anticipated to begin in 2024. For more information concerning the East Crazy Inspiration Divide Project, please contact the Custer Gallatin Forest Supervisor’s Office at (406) 587-6701 during normal business hours or email the Interdisciplinary Team Leader at