Yes, That’s Possible! And it Can Add Up to a Whole Lot of Money!

This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast your host Downrigger Dale talks to CSKT Fisheries Specialist, Cindy Benson and one of the top anglers in past Spring Mack Days Tournaments, Jason Mahlen. Jason has won the tournament many times! Everyone, you just must click here and listen to this week’s podcast! You will be blown away by how much cash Jason Mahlen as made fishing in the Mack Days tournaments. Spoiler Alert: the total amount is in the SIX FIGURES! Yeah, this tournament, which starts on March 14th and runs through May 11th, has something for everyone, from the beginner angler to the pro. When you click here and listen to the podcast you will learn that there are all kinds of ways to earn money fishing in this tournament, from just catching a lot of fish to maybe just catching one that is worth $1,000.00! And those are just two of the ways to win. The Tournament takes place on Flathead Lake in Northwest Montana and is one of the richest tournaments you will ever fish in. What maybe even more surprising than all the ways to win cash is the way this incredible tournament is run. For example, you can join in the fun anytime you want between March 14th and May 11th, and it only takes catching one fish to get the winnings going. Now, in addition to learning all about the ins and outs of the tournament when you click here to listen to the podcast you will also hear some great tips on how best to fish this tournament from award winning angler Jason Mahlen. Jason will give you tips on jigging for the lake trout and where he likes to go on Flathead Lake to catch them!  Jason even talks about the type of jigs he uses and what kind of bait has worked well for him. Best of all you will learn just how much fun this tournament is for the whole family to take part in. 

Want even more info? After you listen to the podcast be sure and come back to this article and click here to send Cindy Benson an email so you can get signed up to take part in the tournament and to get all your questions answered. Cindy has access to all the top anglers that have fished this tournament so she can even get any questions you have about how best to fish the tournament directly from them! If you would like to ask Jason Mahlen a question, just click here. You can also watch lots of different videos about how best to catch the HUGE lake trout on Flathead Lake by clicking here to watch videos about trolling or fishing off the docks for the Monster Macks. If you want to watch videos that will teach you about jigging for Macks click here. You can even read more about what all those videos show you by clicking here! As always, your old buddy and host of the Montana Outdoor Podcast, Downrigger Dale is always available via email by clicking here. Have fun out there fishing for Lake Trout at Spring Mack Days March 14th through May 11th!

Montana Outdoor Podcast