Too many people “Hate”. They Hate this or that. Haters are miserable, unhappy, and losers. They also need to spend more time Hunting and Fishing.
Hunting and Gathering are about problem solving, searching, seeing, planning, organizing, and finding happiness. Hunters that spend their energy and time complaining or making excuses rarely put meat on the table. These outdoor pursuits are in our DNA.
Anglers take one more cast, switch baits, try new spots, teach others how to fish, and celebrate their success. There are no guarantees when Hunting or Fishing. That’s why its not called “Killing or Catching”. You need to focus and learn humility, skills, and patience.
Sportsmen and Sportswomen HATE …
Having to stop hunting or fishing
Not having time to go hunting and fishing
Losing lifelong companions that we enjoyed hunting and fishing with
Being handicapped by arthritis and bad health that slows us down when hunting and fishing.
Missing sunrises and sunsets we enjoy when we can’t hunt and fish.
At least these” Hated things” are understandable. To hunters or anglers “Hate” is not about race, sex, money, and trivial stuff. We simply “Hate” not being able to do what we love.
Outdoor Sport takes us to places that enrich our lives. Friendship, memories, adventure, flavors, and fun make us wealthy, wise, very happy, and help us become our best selves.
Unhappy and mean people do not have this kind of joy and experience in their lives. They do not understand that the simplest things are the best. “Haters” are rarely satisfied or fulfilled. They just look for excuses and ways to bring others down into their misery.
Maybe find one of these Haters and take them fishing or hunting. We would Hate to take the opportunity to allow such a mean and miserable person to miss out on life.
The new year is here. It’s that time when we make resolutions and consider what we want in the future.
Maybe” Hate” not spending more time outdoors!
Montana Grant