Grizzly bear euthanized after a series of cattle depredations in the upper Blackfoot Valley
By Moosetrack Megan

Posted: August 21, 2024

OVANDO – An adult male grizzly bear was euthanized last week after four livestock conflicts in the upper Blackfoot Valley over the past month.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks wildlife specialists reported that the conflicts began in mid-July east of Lincoln where the bear first killed a calf on leased private property. The first depredation was not discovered for a few days, so traps were not set. FWP worked with the landowner and other partners in the area to try to prevent more livestock depredations, however the bear remained and continued to pursue cattle.

Other depredations began the first week in August, with three calves killed in a five-day period. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service authorized removal of the bear and game cameras were set on one of the carcasses. The bear was shot and killed by U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services on Aug. 13.

FWP and USFWS specialists work to help landowners and communities avoid bear conflicts. If you see a bear or sign near your residence that may result in a conflict, call your local bear specialist at the contact number found on FWP’s website:

For more information on living, working, and recreating in Montana’s bear country, visit

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