Fishing knots require practice. Many anglers invent their own knots that have no names, weaken the line, and cost them gear and fish.
Learn to tie the Best Knots from YouTube videos, friends, and Mentors. Most fishing shops and clubs will also be glad to help. When you learn to tie a knot, use heavy, thick fishing line parachute cord, or yarn/string. I prefer 2 different colors for tying line to line knots. The thicker line is more visible and pliable.
Once we see and understand the knot, it becomes easier to tie. If you need magnifiers, use them. Bifocals help with old age and poor vision. A light may also be useful. If I am tying in low light, and want to keep my night vision intact, I use a Red light.
For most monofilament knots, the Clinch Knot is the ticket. Braid line requires a Uni Knot. Heavier lines require other knots. Practice makes perfect!
Every knot weakens the fishing line. The trick is to tie a knot that will do the minimum damage. Even a perfect knot will make 10 lb. test line become 8 lb., test. That’s why using quality fishing lines is better. Quality line is more forgiving and lasts longer. It is also more consistent in diameter and strength. This is especially critical when using finer and lighter strength lines.
One of the hardest, but required knots is the Blood Knot. This knot is needed to connect line to line. Fly Fishermen use this knot for attaching leaders and tippet. It requires you to use many fingers at the same time. They make some tools to help but the best way is to learn using heavier material and practice. Many fly fishermen give up and tie a knot called the Surgeons Knot which is a weaker and uglier knot.
Recently I began trying a different way to connect line to line monofilament. The Uni Knot can be tied in two stages then slid together making an equal knot above and below each line connection. This is what a Blood Knot does. Because of this, the knot integrity is balanced and equal. This Double Uni Knot can be seen on the Take Me Fishing link on your computer. Other videos can be found on YouTube. Since most people are visual learners, this is a perfect way to learn how to tie this knot.
A quality Knot will help catch more fish and lose less gear.
Tie one on, right!
Montana Grant