The wolf hunting season in Region 3 will close a half hour after sunset on Monday, Feb. 19.
The order halting the hunting of wolves in Region 3 came after Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks officials received word that the pre-established harvest quota of 52 wolves in this region has been met.
The wolf trapping season in regions 1, 2 and 3 closed at midnight on Feb. 15 following a federal district court order in November, which closed wolf trapping in these areas until Jan. 1 and then after Feb. 15.
Wolf hunting in regions 1 and 2 remains open as harvest quotas for those regions have not yet been reached.
Those interested in up-to-date information on the status of Montana’s wolf harvest can view FWP’s wolf dashboard, which shows the number of harvested wolves by region and wolf management unit. The dashboard is updated multiple times per day.
For all wolf hunting and trapping regulations and other information, visit FWP’s wolf webpage.