By Montana Grant

Posted: February 25, 2021

If you are perturbed over this years Groundhog Day results, here are some recipes that may help.

Groundhogs were a wonderful food source back in the day. Many pioneers and agricultural families treasured a meal of these burrowing critters. Children would often seek them out and nothing would go to waste. The dried skins made a wonderful shoelace.

Groundhogs eat roots and grasses. They burrow in healthy, rich soil, and are cleaner than other Hogs.

When cooking a groundhog, avoid the gland area around the back, base of their necks. This gland will ruin the flavor of the rest of these tasty critters.

Here is 2 ways to prep your Groundhog!


Cut up 2 groundhogs and parboil the meat. It is best to rinse these critters thoroughly and soak them in saltwater before cooking. Drain and wipe the hog dry. Mix with.

1 egg

¾ cup of milk

1 cup flour

Salt and Pepper to taste

¼ tsp of pepper oil

Dip the meat into the batter and brown in the oil. Flavored Olive Oils work well. Once browned, add some water to the pan and let simmer until tender. The water will help to form a gravy. If you are fancy, add a shot of bourbon or wine to deglaze.


Start with one whole cleaned groundhog. Remove the neck gland. Parboil until tender. Drain the hog and fill with sliced apples. Use some crushed apricots and crushed pineapple to coat. In a pinch, I have used jellies. Place inside a Browning Bag and bake at 300 degrees until browned. This recipe works well in a Dutch Oven.

Neither recipe is a challenge. You will be surprised just how tasty a Groundhog can be.

Enjoy some Hog and think Spring!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, find him tying his shoes at

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