Fisherman Rescues 12 Year-Old with Power Cord
By angelamontana

Posted: February 14, 2014

An Idaho fisherman did not wake up on Monday morning and plan to be a hero, but it turned out he did end up being just that to a 12 year-old boy in the Boise area. reported that the fisherman witnessed the young boy fall through the ice of a frozen pond just about 20 feet from shore, and the angler immediately ran to his car and grabbed the first thing he could find–a power cord.  He tossed the cord to the boy while he and another person pulled the boy out of the icy water and back to the safety of the shore. Luckily, thanks to the quick actions of the fisherman, the boy suffered no injuries, but he was very cold.

PLEASE BE CAREFUL ON THE ICE, and make sure you keep your pets and youngins with you if you are going near any type of frozen, or semi-frozen, body of water.

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