Remembering Jim Clawson with Colonel Smoothbore
By angelamontana

Posted: February 7, 2013

The shooting, hunting, and outdoor sports world has lost one of its best.  Jim Clawson passed away on January 31, 2013. Here is a link to Jim’s full obituary as published in the Missoulian.

I first met Jim in the mid 1980’s. Jim was a tall man, extremely fit, and refreshingly honest. I always enjoyed conversations with him. It was really easy to know where Jim stood on an issue. Jim was a world class trap shooter, an ardent and passionate hunter, a man of faith, a man of innumerable friends, and most importantly, a wonderful husband and father.

Our shooting community and the Missoula Trap and Skeet Club will never quite be the same without Jim.  I know I will miss the big grin that he always met me with; our impromptu chats about family, friends, occasionally politics, and of course shotguns.

Jim’s candor and passion always made me feel better about our world, and now our world will be a little bit emptier without Jim Clawson. I’m sure I speak for many of us; Jim will be sorely missed.

“Think where man’s glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.”  William Butler Yeats

(Written by Steve Sautter aka Colonel Smoothbore)



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