How to Scare a Squirrel with One Word
By angelamontana

Posted: January 2, 2013

I’ve had a lot of interesting experiences while out hunting, and most of them that involved squirrels were not exactly pleasant.  I recently found a story about a deer hunter and a squirrel that made me actually laugh, though.

Who knew that one word could have such an effect on an animal?

Check out this Ohio hunter’s story from the forum:

I was sitting in a bowl beech tree.  Up the tree, I noticed that there was a squirrel crossing.  This limb stretched across the tree, and they could get from the tree on the left to the tree on the right pretty easy.

I was watching, and this squirrel started to come down the tree and he stopped.  I turned my head to watch, then I felt something on my shoulder, the squirrel was on my shoulder!

I turned my head real slow and went “Boo”.

The squirrel jumped about 5 feet in the air and fell to the ground and landed in leaves.  It was funny as hell.

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