Did you go out and scout with your son or daughter this past weekend? Tomorrow, Thursday October 18, the youth only deer hunt begins.
The legally licensed youngsters, 12 to 15 years old, have two days to hunt with an adult, at least 18 years old, in their specific hunting district.
All the same deer firearm season regulations still apply. The deer and elk general seasons open on Saturday, Oct. 20.
And while your out hunting with your youngster, here are some good hunting techniques to pass on:
- Don’t Trespass. Get permission before hunting on private land. Here in Montana, it doesn’t have to be posted to be guilty of trespassing. So always ask first.
- It’s illegal to shoot on, from, or across a road or shoulder (between the fences on either side of the road.)
- Know sunrise and sunset times. Big game season runs from one half hour before sunrise to one half-hour after sunset.
- Hunters must validate their hunting tag immediately after harvest. Completely cutting out the date and month on the tag.
- Hunters must use their own tags when shooting an animal. Transferring licenses between spouses or using a family member’s tag is illegal.
- Drive only on established roads. On public land, stay on the road. On private land, drive only where the landowner tells you.
- Hunters are required to stop at all check stations, going to or coming from the field, with or without game.
- Evidence of the animal’s sex must remain attached to the carcass, when transporting.
- Don’t shoot from a vehicle. Ethics and sportsmanship define hunting.
- Hunters must wear at least 400 square inches of hunter orange above the waist and visible from all sides.
Happy hunting from the MORS crew!