Two Bear Air had to turn back due to poor visibility.
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting a second round of comments on a proposed Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) permit for snowmelt associated with snowmaking using treated wastewater on Spirit Mountain, Andesite Mountain, and the Spanish Peaks base area near Big Sky.
From the overconfident speed demon to the walking yard sale of tangled gear, these five slope stereotypes will have you laughing all the way down the mountain (or crashing halfway).
A Montana Snowbowl’s LaVelle double chair had a bit of drama on its third day of operations when a chair […]
A ski area atop the Beartooth Pass, between Red Lodge and Cooke City, has been listed for sale. The Beartooth […]
It may be the fourth day of summer, but there is snow still in some places across the state. This […]
There is something so cool to watch people doing their thing with their skills…such as skiing. Watching people jump and […]
A snowboarder was trapped upside down in a tree well, and a back-country skier just happened to go by and […]
If you have ever wondered what it would look like to jump off of a 90 foot cliff on skis–wonder […]
Open Resort Name Snowfall 24h Base Depth Open Trails Open Lifts Big Sky 5 hours ago – 48-76″ Packed Powder […]