Upper Salmon River Weekly Steelhead Report 2.12.2018
By angelamontana

Posted: February 16, 2018

Steelhead fishing on the upper Salmon River was good during the previous week. Anglers were observed fishing from Challis, ID downstream to the end of the Salmon River road at Corn Creek. The majority of anglers were observed fishing downstream of North Fork in location code 15. Anglers interviewed in location code 15 averaged 7 hours per steelhead caught and 14 hours per steelhead kept. Angler effort in other areas of the river remained low. Anglers interviewed downstream of the Middle Fork in location code 14 averaged 23 hours per steelhead caught and did not report harvesting a steelhead. Upstream of North Fork in location code 16, interviewed anglers averaged 15 hours per steelhead caught and 29 hours per steelhead kept. Anglers interviewed upstream of the Lemhi River in location code 17 averaged 4 hours per steelhead caught and 6 hours per steelhead kept. No anglers interviewed upstream of the Pahsimeroi River in location code 18 reported catching or harvesting a steelhead.

Currently the Salmon River is flowing at 1,260 cfs through the town of Salmon, ID which is 118% of average for today’s date. Water temperatures on Sunday were in the mid-30s, and the river’s visibility was clear in all in areas. Additionally, the North Fork boat ramp was cleared of ice on Wednesday, February 7th.

(Feature photo via Pinterest)
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