A friend hit me up and was asking what we were doing thother day. I told her our plans and directed the same question at her. She replied with, “I’m canning bear meat.” I asked immediately, excitedly (using emojis), if she or her husband had gotten a bear this year. She said that it was given to them because their family was the only family the generous friends knew that ate bear meat. Now, I have tried bear sausage before, but I have never had bear meat any other way. I have heard mixed things about it, but okay. She obviously knew what she was doing by canning it. The conversation continued for a few more text exchanges (because everybody who knows me knows I don’t talk on the phone), and then we went on with our individual lives.
Canning bear meat. I couldn’t get it out of my head. It makes me want to start canning just about everything. As long as you have a separate pantry, you are saving a lot of space in your freezer. Plus, it won’t spoil if your refrigerator breaks or you lose power! I think I’m going to try canning vegetables and meats, soups, dressings, stews…everything I can. CLICK HERE for a guide with rules laid out for canning all types of meats–raw to cooked.
Here’s a video demonstrating the process:
(Feature photo via The Abrahamsons)