Last Month the notice of the FWP’s intent to review a proposal that would be a cooperative habitat lease agreement with the Pocha Ranch in Powell County, about 4 miles NNW of Helmville was unveiled (For original articel click here) to Montana Outdoor Radio followers.
The meeting was held at the end of March and the FWP has now issued the Decision Notice (DN) for its proposal to enter in a 10-year Cooperative Habitat Management Agreement involving FWP land (70 acres in Aunt Molly WMA) with the Pocha Ranch (involving 53 acres of private land) in Powell County in FWP Region 2. FWP will allow partial-year grazing on its pasture (with the Pocha Ranch required to manage for weeds and maintain fencing). In exchange, the Pocha Ranch acreage would be idled year-long from livestock grazing, and public use would be allowed consistent with adjoining AMWMA public use rules.
FWP will request approval for the lease agreement from the Fish & Wildlife Commission at its regularly scheduled meeting on April 14, 2016, in Helena.