It is getting to that time of year to start fishing for those big Kamloop rainbows in Lake Koocanusa. We are filling up fast with many charters for Oct. Nov. and Dec. If you are thinking of booking a trip with us book as soon as possible.
Prime time is when the surface water temperature gets down to 55 degrees or less. When the surface temperature drops those big rainbows start to feed on the surface and are very active and hit your lure with such aggressive behavior. It is a spectacular fish to catch and a great battle to get that fish to the boat.
Just one suggestion if you are thinking of trying this fishery. JUST DO IT!
Remember patience pays off with big rewards on this lake. Keep the boat going forward and keep the lines in the water.
Be sure your boat is ready for this winter fishery. Staying warm makes the long days bearable, and keeps you out there longer. Make sure your boat batteries are in good shape, the cold weather is tough on weak batteries.
Get your tackle ready. I re spool all my reels every year; it would be a shame to hook a 20lb. rainbow and have your line fail. Check your fishing reels. Remember a little reel lube on the moving parts helps keep the ice from forming and having a failure, especially on the worm gear on those level line reels.
Stock up on your favorite lures. It always seems like you find a hot lure and then the tackle shops are all out of them.
If you have any questions about this fishery, feel free to drop me an email or give us a call.
Tight lines
–Mo Fisch Charter